What is KIN ( Karbi Information Network) ?

December 6, 2009

This Blogsite is an attempt to build an online archive of materials relating to the KARBIS under the sun, gleaned from various sources that we believe are factually reliable and authentic. The Blogsite is dedicated to create a network of information on the Karbis and build up a support system through regular updating of vital news and events. In a sense, the Blogsite wishes to strengthen a KINship of information of issues that are likely to affect the Karbis as a whole, irrespective of region, religion or other considerations.

The Blogsite therefore welcomes views, reviews and materials for publication that fulfil the editorial requirements in the interest of further growth of the KIN.

Kardom and Best Wishes!

An Appeal : Please send mail to us regarding any news on the Karbis, which you feel worthy to be featured in the site. write to us at phangcho@gmail.com

Morningkeey Phangcho

( Administrator)